Need Canadian Work Permit & Visa?

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    Free Immigration Assessment

    Work Permit

    There are different type of work permit which an applicant can apply for according to condition and qualification. To obtain your temporary work permit, basic eligibility requirements are:

    • You are currently residing in Canada and hold a valid study, or work permit or your spouse or parents have a valid study or work permit.
    • Graduated from a Canadian college or university.
    • Have a temporary resident permit valid for at least six months.
    • Waiting for CIC to process your permanent residence application.

    There are many different kind of work permit:-

    • Graduate work Permit

      After successful completion of college education from designated college or institute applicant is eligible to get minimum of one year of work permit or maximum of 3 years.

    • Closed work permit

      One can get closed work permit as a result of Positive LMIA (formerly known as LMO labour market opinion).

    • Bridging Work Permit

      If an applicant already got approved by Province Nomination or already applied for a Permanent residence file than one can extend their work permit.

    If you meet the above requirements, please Contact West End Immigration.