Employee Requirement - BC PNP - West End Immigration

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    Employee Requirement - BC PNP

    The BC PNP is British Columbia’s Provincial Nominee Program. Through this program, prospective immigrants with the skills and experience targeted by the province may receive a British Columbia Provincial Nomination Certificate, which will allow that foreign national to apply for Canadian permanent residence with processing times that are faster than other Canadian immigration classes.

    As an Employer, you must

    be established as an employer in good standing in B.C.
    provide full-time, indeterminate (permanent or with no set end date) employment
    have a history of good workplace and business practices
    sign an employer declaration
    meet domestic labour market recruitment requirements, where applicable
    make you a full-time, indeterminate job offer
    offer you a wage in line with industry standards

    Employer responsibilities

    As well as meeting the general employer requirements, your employer must:

    give you a written job offer
    complete the employer sections of the application forms
    notify the BC PNP if there are any changes in your employment status. This includes promotion or termination; if you have been laid off or are on extended leave; or if the business has closed or changed ownership.

    If you meet the above requirements, please Contact West End Immigration.