BC PNP - West End Immigration

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    Free Immigration Assessment

    BC Provincial Nominee Program

    The BC PNP is British Columbia’s Provincial Nominee Program. Through this program, prospective immigrants with the skills and experience targeted by the province may receive a British Columbia Provincial Nomination Certificate, which will allow that foreign national to apply for Canadian permanent residence with processing times that are faster than other Canadian immigration classes.

    The BC PNP accepts applications under two main immigration categories:

    1. Skills Immigration (including Express Entry British Columbia)
    2. Business Immigration

    Each these categories may have one or more sub-categories. Below we provide you with additional information about each of these categories to help you determine if the BC PNP is right for you.  On January 27, 2016, the government of British Columbia announced that it is implementing a new Immigration System for the BC PNP on points-based system gives candidates a registration score that determines whether they are invited to apply. The score is based on a number of factors — such as level of education, years of direct work experience and a B.C. employment offer — that reflect an individual’s ability to succeed in the labour market and contribute to the provincial economy.


    BC PNP Skills Immigration is divided into a number of sub-categories:

    Skilled Worker Category

    This sub-category is for individuals who have received an eligible job offer in a skilled occupation. Workers are expected to have two years of experience in their skilled occupation.

    Health Care Professional Category

    Under this sub-category individual with experience and eligible job offers, as physicians, nurses, psychiatric nurses or allied health professionals may apply. An eligible job offer must be acquired for one qualifying health occupations.

    • Physician
    • Specialist
    • Registered nurse
    • Registered psychiatric nurse
    • Nurse practitioner
    • An allied health professional such as a:
    1. Diagnostic medical sonographer
    2. Clinical pharmacist
    3. Medical laboratory technologist

    International Graduates, B.C. Degree Category

    This sub-category is for graduates with Masters or Doctoral degrees from an eligible educational institution in British Columbia. No job offer is required to apply under this sub-category if you have graduate from following education field:-

    • Agriculture
    • Biological and biomedical sciences
    • Computer and information sciences and support services
    • Engineering
    • Engineering technology
    • Health professions and related clinical sciences
    • Mathematics and statistics
    • Natural resources conservation and research
    • Physical sciences

    International Graduates, Canadian Degree Category

    This sub-category is for individuals who have graduated from an eligible Canadian university or college outside of British Columbia in the last two years. A job offer must be obtained to be eligible under this sub-category.

    Entry Level and Semi-Skilled Worker Category

    Workers in certain entry-level or semi-skilled positions in tourism/hospitality, food processing, or long-haul trucking may be eligible for immigration through this program.

    Northeast Pilot Project Category

    Individuals living and working in the Northeast Development Region of British Columbia, including in occupations considered semi- and unskilled, may be eligible for this program without the need for a job offer.

    If you meet the above requirements, please Contact West End Immigration.