Saskatchewan PNP - West End Immigration

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    Saskatchewan Provincial Nominee Program

    The SINP is Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program. Through this program, prospective immigrants with the skills and experience targeted by the province may receive a British Columbia Provincial Nomination Certificate, which will allow that foreign national to apply for Canadian permanent residence with processing times that are faster than other Canadian immigration classes.

    The BC PNP accepts applications under two main immigration categories:

    1. International Skilled Worker Category
    2. Saskatchewan Experience Category
    3. Entrepreneur and Farm Category

    Each these categories may have one or more sub-categories. Below we provide you with additional information about each of these categories to help you determine if the SINP is right for you. 


    BC PNP Skills Immigration is divided into a number of sub-categories:

     International Skilled Worker Category

    This sub-category is for individuals who have received an eligible job offer in a skilled occupation in the province of Saskatchewan. Workers are expected to have two years of experience in their skilled occupation.

    Saskatchewan Experience Category

    The Saskatchewan Experience category is for foreign nationals who are currently working  in Saskatchewan on a valid work permit  for a minimum of six months . the Job offer must be approved by SINP or the application will be rejected.

    International Graduates Entrepreneur Category

    This category is for international students who have graduated from an eligible university or college in Saskatchewan and who are planning to start a business in the province. After getting approval, a candidate must operate a business for at least a one year.  

    Entrepreneur and Farm Category

    Under Entrepreneur sub-category, a applicant who want to start their business or can do a partnership must have an active management role in the business. Under Farm Category, a eligible candidate must have enough capital to settle a farming operation  as well as previous experience is also required.

    Northeast Pilot Project Category

    Individuals living and working in the Northeast Development Region of British Columbia, including in occupations considered semi- and unskilled, may be eligible for this program without the need for a job offer.

    If you meet the above requirements, please Contact West End Immigration.