Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program - West End Immigration

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    Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program

    The MPNP is Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program. This Program is designed to attract foreign skilled workers, international students, agricultural entrepreneurs and investors.

    The MPNP accepts applications under four main immigration categories:

    1. Skilled Worker Immigration stream (in Manitoba or Overseas)
    2. International Graduate Stream
    3. Business Investor Stream
    4. Morden Community Driven Immigration Inititative 

    Each these categories may have one or more sub-categories. Below we provide you with additional information about each of these categories to help you determine if the MPNP is right for you. To be eligible, Basically You need work experience in one of the jobs listed in Manitoba In-Demand Occupations List is one of the requirement for several Streams Under Manitoba.


    MPNP Skills Immigration is divided into a number of sub-categories:

    Skilled Worker in Manitoba

    Under this category, an applicant must have Permanent, full-time job offer from Manitoba employer. Temporary foreign workers and International student graduates can apply for permanent residence. Unlike the other streams to Manitoba in the MPNP, Skilled worker in Manitoba are not subject to a points-based assessment.

    Skilled Worker Overseas

    Applications are accepted from qualified skilled workers who can demonstrate a strong connection to the province through family or friends(Manitoba Support), past education or employment, or by invitation of the MPNP(Manitoba Invitation), and who score a minimum of 60 points according to five eligibility factors: age, language proficiency, work experience, education and adaptability 

    Modren Community Driven Immigration Initiative 

    Under this program, Immigration is looking for some targeted occupations such as welders, cooks, plumbers and carpenters. Any eligible Candidate must have two year experience in related field

    International Education Stream

    The new International Education stream(IES) is designed to provide Manitoba graduates who meet the needs of industry with faster pathways to permanent residence.

    Business Investor stream

    Under this stream, any individual who want to set-up their business in Manitoba can set-up if they meet eligibility criteria. MPNP program allows the province to recruit and nominate eligible foreign business owners who have the intent and ability to move to Manitoba to establish, purchase  a business or  co-own an existing business in the first  two years of arriving in Manitoba on a temporary work permit.

    If you meet the above requirements, please Contact West End Immigration.